Qualified Individual Therapy
Individualized therapy is one type of psychotherapy where skilled professionals help people work through their issues, they have been facing for a very long time. It is normal for people to go through ups and downs however, at some point, the downs may go intense and you might need professional help to get you out.
Most of the time people are reluctant to opt-out for individual therapy because of the stigma surrounding mental illness. However, this type of therapy can be a lifesaver for people experiencing extreme emotions, like sadness or anger, substance abuse, loss of enjoyment of activities, problems at work, concern from family and friends, strained personal relationships, or anything that is leading you to depression.
In case you are facing any of these issues, just know that you don’t need to work through difficult times alone. You can count on us to provide you with ways to deal with life’s tough times and move forward. Our counselors provide individual therapy for conditions including anxiety disorders, depression, stress, parenting issues, and more. As an individual therapist, we use the practice of mindfulness, as well as cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic therapies. In the initial evaluation session, we will assess which method is best for your individual needs.
The reason why we take this approach of individual counseling ahead is that we understand how devastating depression can be. Even when something great happens, depression can wet-cast a shadow of negativity over the good experience and make you feel bad about it. Once you are in depression, anger, shame, frustration, and irritation become your new friends. A person with depression is more likely to face trouble while dealing with daily stresses. Sometimes it can be the simplest activities that might put you into struggle and make you feel hopeless and alone. At this point, remember that you are not alone. People in all professions, stages of life, and in all socio-economic groups can experience the debilitating symptoms of depression.
If you’re feeling hopeless, anxious, or engaging in risky behavior that’s putting your health or relationships at risk, help is just a phone call away. We’ll work with you to develop a treatment plan that’s gentle, loving, and effective at helping you feel better about life again. Don’t wait to get help! You deserve to live a happy, beautiful life.
Individual Counseling
- Anxiety Disorders
- Career Changes
- Caregiver Experiencing Stress
- Coping with Illness/Loss
- Depression
- Divorce / Breakup
- High Stress
- Parenting Issues
- Past Abuse (Physical, Emotional, Sexual)
- Postpartum Depression
- Sleep Issues
- Transitional (Empty Nest, Mid-Life Crisis)
- Trauma
“Call or Text to schedule your Appointment: 914-874-6852”