Top 3 Advantages of Online Counseling

Top 3 Advantages of Online Counseling

Before there was an internet, people in need of individual and couples counseling went to the therapist’s office for regular sessions. The advent of the internet made online counseling a possibility, but the online model never really took off – at least not until the COVID pandemic. Online counseling now has a legitimate place at the table.

Relationships & More offers online counseling among our list of services. Over the last few years, we have noticed an increased demand for our online services. If you are curious about them but not quite sure if they are right for you, we would be more than happy to talk about it. In the meantime, here are the top three advantages of online counseling for you to think about.

1. Online Counseling offers Convenience

The number one positive comment we receive from clients who have tried online counseling is how much they appreciate the convenience. Given that we are located in Westchester County, getting to and from our office on any given day can be a hassle. Online counseling eliminates that hassle altogether. It is certainly more convenient to meet with your therapist in the convenience of your own home than getting in the car and driving to the office.

Believe it or not, online counseling is just as convenient for us. Meeting with clients online eliminates some of those inconveniences of managing a busy office. Online counseling also tends to be more efficient, allowing us to meet with more clients in a single day. So from that perspective, it is a good thing.

2. Online Counseling offers Comfort and Privacy

We have been providing individual and couples’ counseling in Rye, NY for quite some time. We have learned that some of our clients feel uncomfortable meeting face-to-face. Meeting virtually can still lead to feelings of vulnerability but being in a familiar environment can reduce a person’s discomfort to a more manageable level. In simple terms, you might do better with online counseling because you are comfortable and familiar in your home environment.

Along those same lines, there are some clients made uncomfortable by face-to-face meetings because they are concerned about privacy. They do not want anyone they know to see them coming or going from a therapist’s office. They prefer the privacy of counseling remotely. No one else needs to know they are being counseled.

3. Online Sessions offer Easier Scheduling

Scheduling conflicts can make it difficult for some people to arrange a counseling session when they most need it. For instance, working face-to-face counseling sessions into one’s schedule needs to account for commuting time as well as any other commitments on either side of the session. Many of our clients have discovered that online counseling makes for easier scheduling.

We don’t necessarily disagree, though the scheduling aspect doesn’t affect things as much on our end. Setting aside an hour for a particular client isn’t any different whether we meet in-person or virtually. To the extent that online counseling makes scheduling easier for clients, we are happy to provide it.

If you are curious about online therapy, do not hesitate to ask questions. You will never know what it’s all about if you don’t inquire. And no, we are not put off by inquiries. We are more than happy to tell you anything you want to know about Relationships & More and our counseling services.

We offer counseling services for individuals, couples, and adolescents. Note that we strive to provide a safe and nurturing environment designed to make you as comfortable as possible during your sessions. If there is anything we can do to make your counseling experience even better, don’t hesitate to let us know.

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