couples counseling

Couples Therapy

The Factors Behind Ineffective Couples Counseling and Why it Fails

Couples counseling, often referred to as couples therapy, is a valuable resource for individuals striving to mend their relationships and build stronger connections. However, not all couples counseling experiences yield positive results. In fact, there are various factors that can contribute to the ineffectiveness of couples counseling. In this blog post, we will delve into …

The Factors Behind Ineffective Couples Counseling and Why it Fails Read More »

couples in a counseling session

Overcoming Trust Issues: The Role of Couples Therapy

Introduction: Trust is the cornerstone of any healthy and successful relationship. When trust issues arise, they can erode the very foundation on which a strong partnership is built. Fortunately, couples therapy offers a path to addressing and mending these trust issues. In this blog, we will explore how couples therapy plays a vital role in …

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types of marriage and how couples counseling can help.

Cultural Perspectives on Marriage: Diverse Traditions and Practices

Introduction: Marriage is a universal institution, but its practices and traditions vary widely across cultures, reflecting the unique values and beliefs of each society. In this blog, we will explore diverse cultural perspectives on marriage and the rich traditions that enrich this institution. We will also touch upon the role of relationship counseling in helping …

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How Long Should Couples Wait Before Going to Therapy?

How Long Should Couples Wait before Going to Therapy

Every industry has its frequently asked questions (FAQs). In the field of psychotherapy, a common FAQ is how long a couple should wait before going to therapy. Unfortunately, far too many couples get started quite late in the process. If they had sought out couples therapy earlier, improving their relationships could have been a bit …

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When Couples Therapy Leads to Those 'Aha' Moments

When Couples Therapy Leads to Those ‘Aha’ Moments

Rarely is couples therapy easy. Rarely does it help couples square away their problems in just one or two sessions. If couples are willing to put in the time and effort though, time spent with an experienced therapist can really make a difference – especially when couples have those ‘aha’ moments. What is an ‘aha’ …

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couples counseling

Personal Relationships: Losing Some of the Spark Is Normal

You might be surprised to know the number of people who come to couple’s counseling complaining that the spark has gone out of their relationship. Then again, maybe not. Perhaps you are experiencing the same thing right now. It is important to know that what you’re experiencing is normal. Your relationship definitely doesn’t need to …

Personal Relationships: Losing Some of the Spark Is Normal Read More »

couples counseling

A Good Marriage Counselor Is Also a Good Listener

Have you ever left a counseling session feeling really good about the results? If so, perhaps you also found yourself thinking that your counselor was a good listener. There are good reasons behind your thoughts and feelings. Counselors are listeners first and foremost. They can’t do what they do effectively without giving their full attention …

A Good Marriage Counselor Is Also a Good Listener Read More »

Couples Counseling

Why Couple’s Counseling Is Rarely a One-and-Done Experience

Anyone who has successfully utilized couple’s counseling to repair a broken relationship knows that the experience is rarely a one-and-done thing. In other words, couples do not spend one hour with a counselor and suddenly solve all their problems. A typical therapy regimen includes multiple sessions spread out over a period of time. It can …

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Not See Eye-to-Eye

It’s Okay to Not See Eye-to-Eye on Everything

Somewhere along the way, our culture lost sight of the realities of personal relationships. We have bought into the Hollywood fantasy of romantic partners always seeing eye-to-eye on everything. Some of us even grew up dreaming of perfect marriages in which words of disagreement were never spoken. Well, guess what? Such thinking is neither realistic …

It’s Okay to Not See Eye-to-Eye on Everything Read More »