Parents raising a child

Parenthood and Marriage: Keeping Your Relationship Strong While Raising Kids


It is always said, and rightly so, that child upbringing is a noble yet tiresome call for every couple. Besides, parenting entails a lot of effort in terms of time, emotional, physical, and even financial efforts. It also needs supportive communication between partners. 

While legally wed partners are expected to forge a formidable and cohesive family, the phenomenology of parenting poses diverse pressures that may pull a couple apart. Therefore, for any person who is interested in maintaining a proper functional relationship, it is important to understand that being in a family has its own challenges. 

This article will provide some tips to maintain a healthy and happy marriage while raising kids, with insights from a trusted marriage counselor Westchester, NY.

Communicate well and timely

One of the best ways of building a strong marriage during the parenting stage is to ensure that there is good communication between the two of you. When couples have children, they begin discussing the needs and schedules of their children in most of their communications. 

However, besides being attentive and engaged in your children’s lives, good communication with your spouse should also be a top priority. Communicate more often with your partner, meaning no interruptions and no distractions during serious conversations. Develop a practice of expressing worries, successes, and stress involving one another so that no partner will feel ignored.

Plan a day of shared experiences

With a growing family, there always arise situations that bring up the thought that there is little time together. In order to prevent this, it becomes mandatory purposefully to create time for the two of you to have some quality time together as a couple. 

This can mean going out for dinner, setting a special time for a couple every day of the week, or having a weekend gateway. Quality time for couples ensures that you have attained closeness and hence makes it easier to handle the challenges posed by parenthood. Make sure that you talk with your partner about these expectations for these shared periods so that both self-oriented needs are being fulfilled.

Split the work and divide the load

Sharing the responsibility of work, children and other chores can be tasking to any couple. To some extent, one is able to relieve that presumptive pressure by setting reasonable expectations and distributions for workloads. 

Enumerate the family roles and be ready to abandon some tasks every now and then. When both partners are engaged or interested in sharing their responsibilities, it makes the marriage happy and lessens the possibility of feeling resentful.

Be tolerant and accept one another

Parenthood has different influences, which can make the best or the worst of every person. So, both spouses need to remain patient, friendly, and receptive in marriage. It is very important to understand that your partner is also experiencing parenthood challenges like you are. 

Always remain considerate and tolerant regardless of the direction of the conversation as well as your level of impatience. Develop ways in which the opposite partner can express his thoughts and moods and get affirmations. When both partners are heard and supported, all the difficulties connected to parenthood will not appear to be very severe.

Make time for self-care

Caring for oneself is critical in managing stress and ensuring that the marriage is healthy. Remind each other to take up a craft, be active, and get help if necessary. Set a personal schedule for both of you that would allow one or both of you to set some time aside and take a breather. 

Taking stock of individual requirements for self-fulfillment makes for a more pedestal emotionally charged, strong, and wholesome marriage and family.

Be willing to adapt and grow

Parenthood is a roller-coaster ride. There is no doubt about that, as we have seen in the experiences of others. Couples must recognize that their needs and wants will change over time as they raise their kids. As the family develops, it is important for each partner to remain flexible and change the ways of approaching situations. 

Maybe fully address these changes in dynamics and be open to finding new ways of sustaining relationships with friends and family. Keep in mind that a healthy marriage is not constant, it changes all the time. Flexibility brings happiness and intimacy.

Reward accomplishments and new levels

Take and appreciate any achievement and development within the members or environment of your family, whether minor or great. This includes self-actualization and appreciation of your children’s achievements. 

Celebrate such small achievements together – this will reinforce the feelings of pride in one another. Ceremonizing your family means that you are regularly reminding yourselves of what you are; a team that is going to face the challenges that come with child raising.

Invest in marriage counseling

Every marriage will encounter some twists and struggles at some point. Considering marriage counseling at an earlier stage than waiting for things to escalate is very important in maintaining your bond as a couple. Marriage counseling can help you improve the quality of the relationship by teaching you how to communicate correctly.

A marriage counselor is informed, particularly in the area of parenting, which is usually a challenge to many couples. They can offer information, advice on how to keep the bond between two partners healthy, and steady parenting tips to make the partnership work. They can also assist partners in setting up boundaries and learning how to talk with loved ones in a way that would prioritize their marriage.


Like any other endearing adventure, child-rearing is a marvelous phenomenon. It is notable for the fact that it may invoke a great deal of stress in a relationship if both partners do not make efforts to keep the relationship working. Couples that follow the goal-setting, communication, and trust-building strategies outlined in this article can make their marriage strong and their bond unshakable. Bear in mind that a happy marriage fosters a better and healthier family life, and happy couples are better parents by default.